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MCCPOP 2021: Medico Legal Issues in Obstetrics and Neonatology and Closing Remarks
MCCPOP 2021: Welcome & Announcements Day 1
MCCPOP 2021: Welcome & Announcements Day 2
MCCPOP 2021: Later in Life Sequelae Associated with Pregnancy Complications
MCCPOP 2021: No Hospital is an Island
MCCPOP 2021: Maintaining California's Success in Lowering Maternal Mortality and Morbidity
Ethics and the Law: Applications in the NICU by A. DeTora | OPENPediatrics
Serious Mistakes During Childbirth: A Discussion With Consultant Mr Myles Taylor (Part 1 of 3)
03 Obstetrics Case Reports
Medicolegal Issues in Obstetric Bleeding and LSCS
28 October - Medico-Legal Aspects in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Overview of Fetomaternal hemorrhage Test (Kleihauer Bekte) acid elution